About us

Sirion Seafood ApS is a seafood sales company founded in 2019. The goal of Sirion Seafood is to distribute wild-caught seafood products to customers worldwide. The company works closely with selected North-Atlantic based seafood producers, to ensure that delivered products meet the quality demands of our customers.
Product traceability and product delivery security, are an integral part of Sirion Seafood´s operation. Sirion Seafood works closely with key partners in logistics and transport, to ensure secure delivery of our products.

Our Products

COD (Gadus Mourhua)

Cod, Headed Gutted (H/G), Frozen At Sea
0-1 kg.
1-2 kg.
2-4 kg.
4-6 kg.
6 kg.+

Wet Salted Splitted Cod (Clipfish)
300-500 gr.
500-800 gr.
800-1200 gr.
1200-1700 gr.
1700-2700 gr.
2700-4000 gr.
4000 gr.+

Wet Salted Cod Fillets
100-200 gr.
200-400 gr.
400-700 gr.
700-1000 gr.
1000 gr.+

GREENLAND HALIBUT (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides)

Greenland Halibut, Headed Gutted Tailed (HGT), Frozen at Sea

0,5-1 kg.
1-2 kg.
2-3 kg.
3-5 kg.

Greenland Halibut, Whole round (W/R), Frozen at Sea

400-700 gr.
700-1000 gr.

Greenland Halibut Heads, Frozen at Sea

100-300 gr.
300-500 gr.
500 gr.+

Greenland Halibut Tails, Frozen at Sea


Greenland Halibut, Headed Gutted Tailed (HGT), Land production

0,5-1 kg.
1-2 kg.
2-3 kg.
3-5 kg.

Greenland Halibut, Whole round (W/R), Land Production

400-700 gr.
700-1000 gr.

Greenland Halibut, Heads,
Land Production

500 gr.-
500 gr.+

Greenland Halibut, Tails,
Land Production


GOLDEN REDFISH (Sebastes norvegicus)

Golden Redfish, Headed Gutted (H/G), Frozen at Sea

200-300 gr.
300-500 gr.
500-700 gr.
700 gr.+

Contact Us

Contact Us

Møllegade 11A
9000 Aalborg Denmark
CVR No. 40212736
VAT No. DK40212736
tel: +45 31198110